Monday, July 11, 2005

Hurricane Dennis makes landfall

Dennis the manace finally came ashore on Sunday afternoon, damage reports vary across the state. Here in the Tampa Bay area, we had squalls on Saturday with high winds and sheets of rain throughout the evening. Sunday morning was wet and windy, but later in the day weather was back to normal. Trees and poles snapped like toothpicks, low lying areas flooded and some roads were littered with debris. This area has been spared so often that many are complacent. Hurricane Dennis stayed west of Tampa Bay, churning up the Gulf of Mexico and landing near Pensacola, only 50 miles from where Ivan struck last year. Residents feared the worst, but were relieved to find that Dennis lacked the strength of Ivan that battered the area last year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My daughter was in Jamaica when the storm hit, she was supposed to come home the day it hit but ended up being there an extra 3 days. She loved it as the storm headed north and did not crash her party.